What to do if a Hail or Wind Storm occurs at your home:
Hail storms generally occur from late spring to late summer. Some parts of the Ohio may receive hail. As a result, up to one-half of your homeowner's Insurance premiums may be going toward hail and wind damage costs. If you carry comprehensive coverage on your home policy, hail damage is covered by almost all insurance companies. Comprehensive insurance is optional, but if you live in a hail prone area the insurance industry recommends this coverage.
If a Hailstorm Strikes:
Don't go out in the storm to try to protect your property. You could be injured! Sounds like silly advice but people do it! You can see people getting hit by hail on You Tube – you will see that it's not a good feeling!
After the hailstorm, assess the Damage
Check trees, shrubs and plants around your house. If they are stripped of their foliage, there is a possibility that your roof is damaged. Check for roof damage if patio covers, screens or soft aluminium roof vents are dented.
***We don't recommend that YOU climb up on your roof. Call us for a free damage assessment and we'll do the dangerous work.***
Check your car for dents and broken or cracked glass.
Protect your property from further damage. If you find signs that hail has battered your property, call HEFCO and take immediate steps to protect it from further damage. Cover any broken windows and holes in your roof so that no water can enter and damage your home's interior. Cover any broken glass in your car to prevent damage to the interior from rain and remove glass from the car's interior to prevent cuts in upholstery and carpet.
To file your claim.
*Call HEFCO for an inspection.
*Call your agent or company as soon as you notice damage. Practically all homeowner's policies cover hail damage. You car will be covered if you've purchased comprehensive coverage.
• Inform your insurance company to contact HEFCO Construction to supply them with written explanation, diagram, pictures, and inspection.
• If you have out of pocket expenses, save receipts for what you spend and submit them to your insurance company for reimbursement.
• Have HEFCO Construction meet with your insurance adjuster to help negotiate on your behalf any and all repairs.
• Allow only the insurance adjuster and HEFCO Construction to get up on your roof. Each time someone walks on it, more damage can occur.
• Be wary of out-of-town roofers who move into an area and set up shop following a storm. While some of these firms are reputable, some may not be around if repairs are needed after the job, and some have collected money from homeowners and moved on to the next storm site without paying suppliers or leaving work unfinished. This can leave homeowners holding the bag for those additional costs. It's a good idea to select a company with established credibility and local references. Word of mouth is still your best guide.
HEFCO Construction
Proudly Serving Ohio Since 1976
Many homeowners don't fully understand their property insurance policies and are at a disadvantage. They may not really know what they're entitled to or what the
laws are. Some Insurance adjustors may count on this; so you need someone that knows how to debate with the insurance company when negotiating with insurers about repairs needed after a fire, Hail, Wind Storm, theft, hurricane or other disaster.
HEFCO professionally assess damage and if you want, can review policy coverage, document evidence to support claims and assess the cost of repairs.
Stacey Giulianti, an executive with Boca Raton-based Florida Peninsula Insurance
Co. and a member of the Florida Property & Casualty Association, which represents 25 Florida-based insurers said, "Insurance companies can miss minor items.”